January 2020 - SCHEDULE: Inaugural Annual General Meeting Thursday 30th April 02 2020

Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC (Community Interest Company)

Inaugural Annual General Meeting 2020

Thursday 30th January

Mylor Yacht Club, Mylor Yacht Harbour, Falmouth, TR11 5UF


The purpose of the schedule throughout the day is to introduce academics, authorities and funders to the unique Fal Fishery, its challenges and the projects planned by the Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC. It also welcomes licensed oyster gatherers and registered Aquaculture Production Businesses (APB) who wish to become members of the CIC to attend the AGM at the end of the day.


0900-1230                            Fal Fishery Trips

Limited space of 6 guests is available to have an hours excursion out on a Truro River Oyster Boat aka Falmouth Working Boat experiencing the traditional methods used by the last sailing fishing fleet. There are three trips planned in the 3 hour period, departing/returning from/to Mylor Yacht Harbour Pontoons. (weather permitting 48hrs notice)

Limited space of 10 guests is available to have an hours excursion out on a registered survey vessel introducing guests to the King Harry Aquaculture Site. There are two trips planned in the 3 hour period, departing/returning from/to Mylor Yacht Harbour Pontoons. (weather permitting 48hrs notice)

Registration is essential but both excursions can be achieved in the 3 hour period by a small number of guests.


1230-1400                            Lunch will be available to purchase at Cafe Mylor, menus will be forwarded and reservations will be made for those wishing to attend.


1400-1600                            Limited space of 16 guests for a showing of Short Films and Funding Presentations by the Fal Fishery Cooperative CIC hosted at Mylor Yacht Club


1600-1800                            Public Meeting - Following the initial discussions and the circulated questionnaire in January 2019, and the subsequent incorporation of the Community Interest Company in March 2019, we will be hosting the inaugural AGM at Mylor Yacht Club where we will announce the lease of the King Harry Aquaculture Site and the planned applications for community fishery funding.

1800-1900                            Open Floor Opportunity for Questions and Further Discussions

1900                                       Meeting Closes


Chairman's Schedule

“FISHING AT SUSTAINABLE LEVELS #FISHERIESBILL ”          Thursday 30th January 2020 – Mylor Yacht Club


Apologies from...



1400 to 1410      Dreams of a cooperative, but starting out as one man, so fishery needs your support

1410 to 1430      NON/NORA – Berlin Recommendations, Policy, Habitat Restoration not Fishery Management

1430 to 1440      Three Tier – environment (planet) carbon, economic (profit) domestic, social (people) heritage

1440 to 1500      King Harry Aquaculture Site – unique opportunity, scientific research, MSc/PhD, repopulate from 5%

1500 to 1520      Funding Applications – SIF (£249k floating hatchery), EMFF/MFF (£100k storage nursery), 4 months!

1520 to 1530      Crowdfunder – #SavingESTER (03rd Feb – 29th Mar),

1530 to 1545      BBC – One Silly Mistake, Art of Failure, Damaging Seabed “if not catching anything!”

1545 to 1600      Reports – Inefficiency, L3M PDO, UK Fisheries Bill, Seafood Expert Panel



1600 to 1610      Dreams of a cooperative, but starting out as one man, so fishery needs your support

1610 to 1630      King Harry Aquaculture Site – unique opportunity, EMFF/MFF (£100k storage nursery)

1630 to 1645      BBC One Silly Mistake, Historic Landings, Other Species (Queens/Pacifics), Exporting v Domestic

1645 to 1715      YouTube Chesapeake Bay Oysters – restoration, management, aquaculture, quotas!!

1715 to 1745      Funding Opportunities – Infrastructure, Marketing, Logistics, Fair Pay, Sustainable Fishery

1745 to 1800      CIFCA SURVEY 2020


1800 to 1900      Fisher’s Question Time

1800 to 1815      CIC

1815 to 1830      Fishery

1830 to 1845      Oysters

1845 to 1900      Funding